Title: Seizing Fate (Predetermined Series: Book Two)
Author: Heather Van Fleet
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Release Day: October 8, 2013
Publisher: Sunshine Press
And you thought Emmy’s life was a
hot mess before…
gone off to Arizona with his brother, but for how long? Emmy doesn’t have a
clue. In his place, though, is Zachary. The whiny, miserable, alpha wolf–boy
who is more than ready to take on the duty of her mate/boyfriend — if she’d let
him, that is. But the last thing Emmy wants is to deal with a boy who believes
that the world should fall solely at his feet whenever he demands it.
hey, at least her step–douche is gone, and her life is back to an almost normal
sense, right?
Wrong again, Emmy’s life will never
again be normal…
her Uncle Prick in town and her best friend acting as secretive as ever, Emmy
finds new challenges to overcome — challenges that no seventeen–year–old girl
should ever have to deal with. For one thing, what is up with her dream–liaison
status anyway? What does it mean, really? And why does her little brother have
to go through it too? And then there’s her mom. The lady is acting a tad bit
odd, to put it nicely. After all these years, she finally wants to step up and
be a parental figure? Heck no! Emmy’s definitely not copacetic with that idea.
But with the bad, there’s got to be
some good out there for her somewhere, right?
in the wolves, witches, drama, and lots of kisses and you get Emmy the
Extraordinaire, the girl with strawberry–colored hair, and a chip on her
shoulder. She’s finally on her way to finding out what her life and her future
both have in store for her, even if the road to getting there is nowhere near
as easy as she hoped it would be. But Emmy is tough, and more than ready to
take on life with her bare hands.
just too bad she’s madly, desperately, insanely in love with a boy who insists
on making her life both a miserable hell and utter perfection at the same time.
About the author:
Van Fleet currently reside in northern Illinois, with her three little ladies,
and fabulous hubby, and high school sweetheart, Chris. She’s a stay at home mom
by day, and an avid and completely obsessive writer and reader by night.
always had a soft spot in her heart for books, and has been creating her own
little stories since the age of seven. But she never really had the confidence
or the time to actually sit down and really do something about it until her
youngest daughter Isabella was born just two years ago. Bella, as well as her
older sisters Kelsey and Emma, are and always will be her greatest
fire, wetness, tongues — single words were all I could think as our mouths
battled. God, I’d never been kissed like this before. Ever, and if we stopped,
I’d die a happy woman from his lips touching mine alone. He tugged his hand
into the back of my hair, pulling my chin upwards, yanking me towards him. I
clawed at his shirt, ready to rip it from his massive body. I pulled at his
jacket first, lowering it over his shoulders until it fell to the floor. The
buttons jingled against the tile, scattering over our feet. Damn, if he didn’t
care about his signature black coat falling apart, then I had to wonder what
else I could get away with.
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