Review Policy

Review Policy

I love to read, who wouldn't, but with everything else going on I am finding it a little difficult so I just wanted everyone to know that at this moment in time I am not taking submissions. I would love to find that hidden gem out there and I do review from numerous sites, when I have the time.

If you are interested in providing a excerpt and want to do a guest post then I am more than happy to hear from you. I can be contacted on

For anyone that is interested, I give 1/2 a point for each, so up to 5 red ribbons and I rate my books as follows:-

  1. Are there any grammatical errors, is it edited well?
  2. Does it flow well?
  3. Is the story unique?
  4. Did i like the writing style?
  5. Are the characters well defined?
  6. Would I recommend it?
  7. Did I lock myself in a room to get it finished?
  8. Is the pace right for the story?
  9. Is there a good, strong plot?
  10. Did I enjoy it?

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