Friday, 26 September 2014

Friday's Fun Fact

This is on the banned books list. I realise that it covers sensitive subjects but it traveled around the whole of my school when I was a young girl. 

It’s been banned frequently due to “talk about masturbation and sexuality” which may be the reason kids don’t often get their hands on it until they get older and find out about it on the internet. (Wikipedia)

Friday, 19 September 2014

Friday's Fun Fact

I thought it would be nice to add a little fact on here every Friday and of course my mind went straight to books. My earliest memory was of sitting with my mum and reading The Faraway Tree, I even believed that the tree in the back garden was that very tree and spent hours dreaming about what the fair folk were doing.

One of Enid Blyton's favourite reads as a child was The Princess and the Goblin.

What appealed to her "wasn't so much the story as the strange 'feel' of the tale, the 'atmosphere' as we call it. It hung over me for a very long time, and gave me pleasant shivers."