Sabrina Samples was born and raised in Cleveland Ohio. Even at a young age she always loved writing. She would write poetry and short stories. It wasn’t until one of her teachers submitted a poem of hers to a poetry company that she realized she wanted to write more for people to see. From that point of inspiration, she has been constantly writing. Sabrina finds motivation and desire to write in the need to leave something behind for those who come after her time. When Sabrina is not busy working on her writing she enjoys playing Dungeons & Dragons, spending time with her husband and daughter. “Thank you to all of my readers. Thank you for all the support you have shown me over the years. Thank you for reading my books. If it wasn’t for you guys I wouldn’t be able to do what I do best.”

You can follow Sabrina on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and Goodreads to stay up to date on her new releases, events, reviews and interviews. Make sure to follow so you don’t miss any updates or teasers. Sabrina also has a website that can be visited at