Do you want to hear my rambling, sure you do, you're looking at this post right? There is so much information out there but it seems that the buzz is 'Networking' and of course its right. There may be a lucky few, and I mean a few, that actually has everything fall in place but that's not going to happen. I might delude myself sometimes but my voices want let me keep that up for long. For someone like me that finds self promotion strange to get out there is scary. The best tip I have had, is not to come out and push, push my book but find like minded people and simply talk to them. We will hopefully discuss the same topics and at some point I can mention my book. It seems building a steady, honest fanbase works. Ask anyone, and believe me I have asked a few.
Another stumbling block is money, I can't afford to pay for promotion but that's not necessary. If you can make the right contacts, they will tell their friends, who tell theirs, who ... well you get the picture.
Besides networking, I've set up a spreadsheet, organisation is the key, to anyone who knows me they will be rolling around on the floor about now, to keep track of which site I have asked for reviews or even just noted some kind of interest and given myself time limits to spend networking, writing, editing and having a life. Life ... now how does that go.
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